Tales of Equinox
There she is, at the sunrise. Grey-haired woman sitting cross-legged by the small fire, blowing out tobacco smoke and whispering her prayers.
Picture her there, with a warm blanket on her hunched over back, those ritual tattoos around her wrists and deep wrinkles on the sides of her mouth from many smiles she shared with the world.
Clear light is shining in her eyes, even in dark times.
She’s looking to sky and with long exhale sending up the last cloud of smoke.
She asked the spirit for a key word for this equinox passage.
The word is faith.
There she is, at the sunset. After finishing her job she turned off her computer, opened the window to invite some fresh air in, and prepared a cleansing bath, with rosemary and rue.
She would speak to the water while pouring it over her body. Loving, nurturing spells.
Look at her there, sitting by the candle light, on the wooden floor in her small apartment in the centre of big city.
Straight back, closed eyes, taking few deep breaths, relaxing.
She grabs a pen and opens a notebook on a blank page.
First, she writes a long letter of gratitude, remembering all the good things that happened in a cycle that’s just about to end.
Then, she pauses. Hand on the heart, feeling the inner warmth and tender expansion. This is the space where she’s searching for true-true intentions for the new chapter to come.
She picks an oracle card for this equinox gateway. It says,
Be the king who has made his own kingdom.
Be the moon that has made her own summit.
Dear Ones,
Equinox is a moment of balance.
When the day equals the night, this is mother nature’s rite of passage. She welcomes us all to pass through this portal and to restore balance to our energy.
It marks a shift from wintertime to spring, inviting the freshness of life, vibrancy, energy of the new.
It’s time of a rebirth, renewal and rejuvenation.
Time of planting new seeds, new beginnings, evisioning good days to come.
It’s time of the rising sun, time of hope.
Hope is an inner landscape we can inhabit. It is a trustful, innocent attitude, a domain of our inner child.
It it could speak, it would say, Life is so beautiful, no matter what.
It looks into the future with shining eyes.
It’s excited.
It has vivid imagination.
It believes that the better days are already on their way.
It opens our eyes to be present and notice all the goodness around.
It calls forth the best part of ourselves, the one that still believes in magic.
Hope, a space of wonders.
The Earth.
She’s our common ground, our connecting tissue, source of gravity, the living force sustaining us breathing.
She’s old and wise. She’s been here before, on the edge of times. She’s been cycling her ways for eons, letting things to die and be reborn, again and again and again.
It’s been billions of years that she is singing deep songs awakening our souls, ancient songs of creation to the rhytm of a cosmic heartbeat.
There is wildness, freedom and boundless diversification in the melodies of life, yet the rhythm has always been steady.
It’s the heartbeat of the universe, steadily and patiently calling us home.
It’s a blueprint that the elders of many traditions across the planet used to tune into in order to connect with the wisdom of the earth. They would use the cycles of nature as a compass for human life. To help people understand how to live in balance.
Our ancestors were honouring the nature’s peak points and ritually dancing to their rhythms. Traditional peoples of our world still do so, and I give thanks to those who are constantly walking this noble path, aiming their actions, thoughts, prayers and meditations toward restoring balance in all of life.
Equinox is nature’s portal from the dark into the light.
Dark months are over. We’re moving into the light and there is natural awakening of hope in our hearts.
New days are to come.
Just allow yourself to believe it. Awaken a spark of hope in your heart.
Wake up.
Wake up to the world of colours and light.
And the Great Mother said,
Come my child and give me all that you are.
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness,
of your fear and pain.
Give me your tears. They will be rushing rivers
and roaring oceans.
give me your rage. It will erupt into my
molten volcanoes and rolling thunder.
Give me your tired spirit. I will lay it to rest
in my soft meadows.
Give me your hopes and dreams. I will plant a field
of sunflowers and arch rainbows in the sky.
You are not too much for me.
My arms and heart welcome your true fullness.
There is a room in my world for all of you, all that you are.
I will cradle you in the boughs of my ancient redwoods
and the valleys of my gentle rolling hills.
My soft winds will sing you lullabies
and soothe your burdened heart.
Release your deep pain.
You are not alone and you have never been alone.
Linda Reuther, Homecoming
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